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Too Many Ideas - Archive for the ‘WWW’ Category

Where Should Buzz Have Been?

Wednesday, February 10th, 2010

Google launching Buzz has crystalized a thought that’s been running through my head for a while.  Ever since the WWW came on the scene there have been a series of landgrabs for bits of the Internet.  Bits that give revenue which might be page impressions giving advertising revenue or e-commerce giving cold, hard, cash revenue.  […]

Edible Gobos: quite possibly as Tasty as Edible Underwear

Wednesday, December 16th, 2009

Allegedly.  I’ll come to that in a minute. Most spam is annoying but once in a while the bots assemble two random concepts that make a slightly surreal or scary combination.  Once in a while those are so out there and look so like real messages that they make it past the spam filters.  Here’s […]

Blogging Differently

Wednesday, September 16th, 2009

I noticed awhile ago that I was blogging less.  Partly I put it down to frustration with the time it took me to add a page to my web site.  If I couldn’t easily add a page about something I didn’t need to blog about the page.  Partly it was a disatisfaction with the blog […]

Kim's Got Her Own Unofficial Fan Club

Tuesday, July 14th, 2009

Kim’s now got her very own unofficial Kim Knox fan club. Won’t be too long before she has a has a twitter hash tag all of her own too #kimknox 😉

Tweeting Hash Codes Batman

Wednesday, June 17th, 2009

I’m not really a twitter user, I’ve got an account but while I’ll post a certain level of boring mundanity here I’m not into the recording the minute up to the minute stuff. I just don’t think it or I’m interesting enough and while blogging is probably a bit weird tweeting just goes over the […]

The Onion on the New Star Trek Film

Wednesday, May 6th, 2009

Trekkies Bash New Star Trek Film As ‘Fun, Watchable’

Moondash Showreel

Tuesday, March 24th, 2009

Daniel Munteanu’s show reel at the Moondash project is well worth a look.

Today Programme Viral Advert

Friday, March 20th, 2009

I’m a bit late with this but it did amuse me. The Evan Davis’ blog on the BBC web site explains it. I found some of the comments amusing just because they say more about the commenters than the piece itself. A few obviously don’t get there is a difference between an advert being viral […]

Lego's Business Cards

Thursday, March 12th, 2009

This is so much cooler than a standard bit of card… Lego’s Business Cards.

Joomla Day Again

Thursday, November 27th, 2008

Well almost a year since I last posted about Joomla and I find myself gearing up to a development based on it.

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