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Too Many Ideas - Posts Tagged ‘7th sea’

7th Sea 2nd Edition Traits

Saturday, June 4th, 2016

Just a few thoughts about the patterns of points that can be assigned to Traits in 7th Sea 2nd Edition. In second edition the rules create only a few possible patterns for assigning numbers that make up a character’s Traits. Here they are ordered by highest Trait first… Trait Total Points A B C D […]

7th Sea 2nd Edition Kickstarter

Tuesday, February 9th, 2016

I’m not good at picking favourites. Don’t ask me to pick my favourite book, film or TV show. You’ll get a list. This holds true for Role Playing Games with D&D Ravenloft, Conspiracy X, Panzerfaüste, Call of Cthulhu and SLA Industries all likely to feature (and yes I know Panzerfaüste is a skirmish war game […]

RPG First 11

Wednesday, April 27th, 2011

Or 11 Games every gamer should play before they fail their saving throw vs. death This post was inspired by the post on Dane of War’s blog now on Geekcentricity. In alphabetical order are eleven games that I think are really worth your time and money. These are all games that I have played on […]

7th Sea: The Green Men of Avalon

Friday, September 3rd, 2010

The Green Men of Avalon are an order of heroes I created for my 7th Sea game.  Little is known of them except their public appearances as escorts to the Queen on public occassions.  Here tonight for your enjoyment I post their unique weapon and fighting school.

7th Sea Burning & Ravenloft Ablaze

Thursday, August 19th, 2010

My 7th Sea feature review was my first article for Valkyrie. Its one of my favourite games of all time. At university I took a course on fire relating to building design. So when I was talking to a ‘zine (that I don’t think ever appeared) about 7th Sea articles and they were planning other […]

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