Too Many Ideas - Posts Tagged ‘marketing’

Facebook Fibbing
Tuesday, November 13th, 2012So I got an email from Facebook today. It went to an account I set up while testing a project. My imaginary account has only one friend: my real account. Anyway my lonely, sad, friendless, imaginary account gets an email from Facebook “Mark Caldwell are following Pages on Facebook”. I’ve seen these messages to my […]

Marketing not Quite Joined Up
Sunday, March 29th, 2009Littlewoods recently sent me an e-mail thanking me for my business in the last year and hoping I’ll continue to spend as much with them this year as I did last year. I may well take their advice – I spent nothing last year and its quite likely I’ll do the same this year…

If the BBC Journalist Fall for it I will too
Wednesday, January 30th, 2008I have to congratulate Ryan Air’s marketing department. One very cheap looking advert designed to offend and attract attention and they get it all over the BBC news and web site for free. It’s not the first time one of these ads has gotten on to the BBC. Twelve people complained about the advert. I […]

Thursday Thirteen #34
Thursday, November 8th, 2007My 11th Thursday Thirteen was a list of birds I see on my way to work. Tonight I’ve compiled a list of types of people I see when I’m out shopping. Adulescent – Dresses and acts like he’s 16 although he’s now in his 30s. Barbiedcutie – Would be attractive woman who has spent too […]

Thursday Thirteen #28
Thursday, September 27th, 2007Thirteen Things Mark Caldwell hates about cold calls When they say it will only take a minute of your time it never is. I wouldn’t mind but they’ll never give me an address for me to send my bill. 99% are a waste of my time and the company paying for its time. I don’t […]

Wordless Wednesday #23
Wednesday, September 12th, 2007Are they signs for aliens? A new viral marketing campaign for the hottest computer game? What do you think they are? 1. Isabelle aka Tricotine2. Alison3. jams o donnell4. Just me a Mom~Jenn5. Autofocused 6. Breather7. mousey8. Emmyrose9. SandyCarlson10. http://Marcia 11. maryt12. And Miles To Go…13. ellen b14. theteach

Will Auteur Brands destroy the Big Broadcasters?
Saturday, January 13th, 2007This line of thinking was kicked off by John Rogers‘ blog post 4GM: Nobody gets Rich, Everybody Gets Paid and some of the comments on it. The Auteur Brand has a long tradition in our society. Far older than those names. The cult of personality around creative people goes back to the emergence of the […]

Fame! huh-yeah. What is it good for? Absolutely nothing
Tuesday, December 12th, 2006A stinking headache stopped me posting the little rant that follows last night. The BBC reports Max Clifford has a 10 tips for being famous: Appear on a reality series Enter a talent contest Be abysmal on a talent show Gain fame by association Date a celebrity Flaunt your body Date a Royal Family member […]

STEEPVM Introduction
Wednesday, December 6th, 2006Sometimes ideas are lurking around in the most unexpected places. Planners in business, marketing and government use what they call scenarios to try to predict the future. They usually start with the present day and try to extrapolate what the future will be like if certain changes happen. Historians sometimes create counter factual histories to […]

Blogs and Branded House v. House of Brands
Tuesday, May 2nd, 2006According to point 8 of Jakob Nielsen’s Alertbox, October 17, 2005: (Weblog Usability: The Top Ten Design Mistakes) I should focus my blogging on one topic. I can see his point and he is a world renowned expert. However if you have more than one interest that way madness lies. If I followed this rule […]