- Adulescent – Dresses and acts like he’s 16 although he’s now in his 30s.
- Barbiedcutie – Would be attractive woman who has spent too long on the sunbeds.
- Brandroid – Everything in their life has a brand on it not just their clothes.
Imobilised phone – In front of you at the check out with only a few items but too
busy on their phone to pay, pack and move on. Shop assistants won’t challenge them if you do your clearly a lower form of life. - Robbin’ Hoodies – Hoodie wearing youths hanging round wherever there is light with no where better to go.
- Mosher – Neo Goths in their all black uniforms hanging round where the Robbin’ Hoodies aren’t.
- Sugar Plum Scary – Some mothers used to dress their kids to look like them and that was frightening. Now some mothers dress like their 8 year old which is far, far, far scarier.
- Anorakxia – Thin, pale individuals who frequently lack social skills but who can bore you on a diverse range of subjects from Apples latest Operating System to a TV show that isn’t available over here yet but they’ve downloaded the first three series from the US.
- Black Collar Worker – People who work in marketing and other creative jobs who who wear a uniform of designer jeans and polo neck shirts in ten thousand shades of black.
- iPod Shuffler – They move in a rythmic way that suddenly jumps as their iPod randomly picks another track.
- Sticker Stacker – You see them in the supermarket. They came in for milk and bread but the lure of Buy One Get One free was too much and now they can’t decide how many they need so they’ll have to take the lot.
- Saga Louts – Over sixty, Over there and Over the Top. But most of the time over here wanting to be over there. You may find them, as I did tonight, hanging round bus stops. My Saga Lout told me about the football score and then told me a dozen jokes. Badly. Then he wandered off without catching a bus.
- Google Eyed – Someone who has spent too much time on the Internet and now has a rather odd stare
Links to other Thursday Thirteens!
1. ellen b 2. nap warden 3. Comedy Plus 4. Jill 5. Hootin’ Anni 6. Janet 7. Chelle Y. 8. Nicholas 9. greatfullivin 10. Susan Helene Gottfried 11. Holly 12. WorksForMom 13. Journeywoman 14. The Gal Herself 15. Lara 16. pussreboots |
17. marcia v. 18. SandyCarlson 19. Lori 20. cajunvegan 21. Grace 22. Candy Minx 23. Emmyrose 24. Yen 25. Jennifer(WAHM) 26. Xakara 27. Alasandra 28. Maria 29. Raggedy 30. Daisy 31. Paige 32. Sword Girl |
33. On a Limb with Claudia 34. zenmomma 35. katherine. 36. Heidi Hyde 37. Morgan St. John 38. Ann Aguirre 39. Infinity Goods 40. Norma 41. mar 42. Cher 43. JO 44. Sue 45. Malcolm 46. Samantha_K |
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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