Too Many Ideas - Posts Tagged ‘Picture’
A Cold Picture for a Cold Day
Wednesday, December 15th, 2010It’s bitingly cold again today so I decided to post another picture I took last week when Liverpool was foggy and covered in frost. This one is of the thick frost on a section of the chain fences at the Albert Dock.
Vue 9 Sea Monster
Friday, December 3rd, 2010Last night I started messing around with a picture I was messing around with in Vue 7. I was never 100% happy with the lighting of the original. The monster was too visible – I wanted it to be lurking and menacing. Now Vue 9 has the wonderful new relighting feature so I made a […]
British Museum Great Court Roof
Wednesday, December 1st, 2010On my visit to London on the way to Dragonmeet I went into the British Museum to have a look at the Great Court Roof. The roof was designed by Foster and Partners its an iconic piece of recent architecture. This picture is of part of it around an hour before sunset catching the low, […]
Derelict Building Detail, Duke Street, Liverpool
Thursday, November 4th, 2010This Wordless Wednesday’s a day late because of the Burke and Hare post. Most of the pictures I post on my blog of Liverpool are of interesting buildings that are reasonably well looked after. Having lived here for nearly twenty years I’ve seen a lot of miss-representation of the city in the national media. I’ve […]
Liverpool's Pyramid – William Mackenzie Tomb
Wednesday, September 8th, 2010The 19th Century Church of Saint Andrew on Rodney Street is known locally as the Scotch church. It was a Presbyterian church built to serve the Scottish community of Liverpool. The church was closed in 1975 and is in an extremely poor state. In the small graveyard is a rather unusual grave in the form […]
Rattus Banksius
Wednesday, September 1st, 2010Two photographs this week both of the Rat painted in 2004 by Banksy as part of the Liverpool Biennial on the derelict White House pub on the corner of Duke Street and Berry Street. It’s hard to tell now what the rat is holding as one of the original boards is missing. Some (especially journalists […]
Georges Dock Ventilation Tower Liver Bird
Wednesday, June 23rd, 2010I’ve not had a chance to take my camera out at lunch time at work recently so here is a picture I took a while ago. It’s of a decorative Liver Bird on one side of the art deco Georges Dock Ventilation Tower (sometimes called the Mersey Tunnel Building) in Liverpool near the Three Graces. The detail on the bird itself appears to have been eroded by the elements but other elements are still crisp.
Accidental Art
Thursday, November 19th, 2009I was messing around with a photograph I took and ended up with this picture completely by accident. Its just a meaningless pattern but I like it.
Miniature Pulp Era Posters
Monday, July 20th, 2009Back in August 2007 I posted a set of Miniature Victorian and Edwardian Posters which at the time didn’t really seem to get a lot of downloads or get any feedback. When I rebuilt the impworks website I almost left them out and the file got moved round late compared to some of the python […]
6000 Miles Up
Wednesday, July 15th, 2009A picture of an Earth like planet from space I made tonight using Vue 7.5 Infinite from approximately 6000 miles above the surface. 55 minutes to render. A little minor filtering afterwards in Photoshop to enhance the contrast because I couldn’t be bothered rendering it again from scratch.