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Too Many Ideas - Posts Tagged ‘Python Script’

V5I: Progressive Drop Python Script

Saturday, June 17th, 2006

I wanted to create a heap of objects for a picture today but Vue’s drop puts all the selected objects on the same level. I could have selected and dropped each one by hand but that would have been laborious and I was feeling lazy so I created a Python script to do the hard […]

V5I: Vue Dynamics 0.3.1

Monday, June 5th, 2006

I’ve just put uploaded a minor update new version of the VueDynamics script, Version 0.3.1 . It fixes a problem I found with particles not being sized properly when they are emitted or recycled. If select an object in your scene and then run the script you will get the a 150 frame roman […]

V5I: Vue Dynamics 0.3 – Now with Added Particles

Monday, May 29th, 2006

I’ve just uploaded the latest version of VueDynamics with added particle emitting capabilities. Particles can be subjected to the same forces as objects could in previous versions. Tha basic Vue objects are available as particles. They can be given a maximum age and set to be destroyed if they pass below infinite plains with the […]

V5I: VueDynamic 0.2.1

Sunday, May 21st, 2006

I’ve just put uploaded a minor update new version of the VueDynamic script, Version 0.2.1 . It fixes a problem I found with a starting frame set to anything other than 0 resulting in weird animation of objects between frame zero and the first frame of the effect being applied If you need help […]

V5I: VueDynamic 0.2

Saturday, May 13th, 2006

Note: VueDynamics is no longer available. Edit: See for the latest bug fixed version. I’ve just put uploaded a new version of the VueDynamic script, Version 0.2 includes two new options for how starting forces are applied (horizontal explosive and 3d explosive. There are also new options to add a variety of rotation […]

V5I: Camera Animation Save and Load

Friday, May 12th, 2006

This one caught me out by being more difficult to get working than I expected when I volunteered myself to write it… Anyway a pair of little scripts and hopefully they will make a certain amount of sense but given the late hour I’m not going to explain them now. Available in a […]

V5I: Centre Finder

Tuesday, May 9th, 2006

While working on a picture I realised I needed to find the centre of a set of objects. I could have calculated that by hand but I decided to go for the easy option and create a little Python script. If you’d like a copy you can download Centre Finder.

V5I: VueDynamics Script

Sunday, May 7th, 2006

Note: Vue Dynamics is no longer available. A script for Vue 5 Infinite that can create a number of animation effects for selected objects. The script can be downloaded from I’ve made two quick demonstration animations: 100 Spheres Walking Randomly 100 Spheres with random upward movement affected by gravity The simulation uses simple Newtonian […]

Vue Python for Beginners

Thursday, May 4th, 2006

An updated version of this article is now available on my website at Tonight, by special request, a short introduction to using Vue and Python for beginners. What is Python “Python is the industry standard, cross-platform, object-oriented application scripting language. It is both sufficiently easy to use and powerful to let you develop complex […]

Sky Colour Filter

Friday, March 3rd, 2006

Just been playing around and wrote a really simple Python script for Vue 5 Infinite that lets you apply a single colour filter to the sky. Instructions on how to use it are at the top of the script.

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