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Too Many Ideas - Posts Tagged ‘rain’

Man in the Rain Render

Friday, July 12th, 2013

I was trying trying to get a pretty specific particle effect with Vue tonight – rain hitting an umbrella and cascading off. I’ve not found a good way to achieve it yet. Anyway before I shut Vue down I had a silly idea to see what the image would look like if I focused the […]

Edinburgh Panorama

Wednesday, November 28th, 2012

Its over a year since I went to Edinbugh but I’ve just figured out how to stitch the shots I took together to make a panorama. It was a rainy day (you can see some of it in the distance and a drop on the lens) and the shots that make this up were taken […]

Liverpool Downpour Gallery

Tuesday, August 21st, 2012

A sudden dowpour caught me in the Mann Island exhibition space next to the Open Eye gallery at lunch time today. Here are a few of the better pictures I took of the rain and the aftermath on my phone’s camera.

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