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Too Many Ideas - Posts Tagged ‘Role Playing Game’

7th Sea 2nd Edition Likely Number of Raises

Saturday, June 25th, 2016

7th Sea 2nd edition uses an interesting mechanism to decide how well a character does with an action.  I wanted to have some idea of how many raises a starting character is likely to have depending on their Trait, Skill and any bonus dice they might get.  So I ran some simulations earlier using a […]

The Dracula Dossier

Monday, October 19th, 2015

Rewards for The Dracula Dossier kickstarter landed today and so far they look pretty good.

New England Road Trip NPCs – Henry Water Taft

Sunday, October 11th, 2015

Added a second potential NPC for the start of the New England Road Trip adventure I’ve been working on for Trail of Cthulhu – Henry Water Taft brother of US President Taft.

New York Road Trip Adventure WIP

Sunday, September 27th, 2015

I’ve already posted a few bits of the material for the New York Road Trip adventure for Trail of Cthulhu I’ve been working on.  I’d got the basic form of the adventure in mind – a pretty open sandbox affair where the player’s investigators follow a series of clues left by a previous group who […]

Road Trip – New England and Eastern New York Cover

Road Trip – New England and Eastern New York

Sunday, September 6th, 2015

I’ve just added a PDF of “Road Trip – New England and Eastern New York” assembled from out of copyright images on the New York Library Digital Archive to my Trail of Cthulhu resources. The idea I’m toying with is one or more scenarios for Trail of Cthulhu (or I may go with Call of […]

Gaming the Heist Movies

Monday, August 10th, 2015

You’re Only Supposed to Blow the Bloody Doors Off appeared in Valkyrie Quarterly issue 25.  I’m posting the original article online but I plan on adding to it and expanding it.

The Grey Film Poster

Role Playing the Movies

Friday, July 31st, 2015

Obviously there are RPGs that are licenced from movies.  Others often borrow (and sometimes outright steal) from movies, TVs and books then file off the serial numbers.  I’ve a couple of posts on borrowing inspiration from particular movies in the past and I always intend to write more so to chivvy myself along I’ve decided […]

Frank Atkinson

1930s Film Star Portraits

Monday, July 27th, 2015

I had an email asking about where I found the illustrations I used on the Bookhounds of MI5 so I’ve pulled them all together into a collection and added it to my Trail of Cthulhu resources page. And in case you’ve missed it the poll on how I should post RPG resources like this is […]

124-126 Cromwell Road, London. Headquarters of MI5 until 1937

Bookhounds + MI5

Saturday, July 25th, 2015

Posted a new page last night of ideas for adding MI5 to a Bookhounds of London campaign which I inventivelly called Bookhounds of MI5.  All the stats are for Trail of Cthulhu.

A New 7-Sentence NPC

Friday, July 17th, 2015

CM Cline in Dragon Magazine 184 (August 1992) presented The 7-Sentence NPC. Back then most of my NPCs either got a full page biography or a stat block. Over time I found moving to the middle ground the 7-Sentence NPC represents a handy tool. They have the advantage of being quick to read as a […]

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