Too Many Ideas - Posts Tagged ‘theatrical lighting’

The Physicists at the Donmar
Thursday, July 5th, 2012My apologies this is one of those blog posts where I’ll do a bit of personal narrative before I get to the meat of the so called review which is in truth just my personal ramblings anyway. Chance can be a funny thing… while I’d planned out my days on a short trip to London […]

Eighth Vue Theatrical Lighting Rig Updated
Tuesday, September 28th, 2010It’s that day of the week again. Here is my 8th updated Vue lighting rig which this week uses two lights shining horizontally on a figure

Sixth Vue Lighting Rig Updated
Tuesday, September 7th, 2010I’ve posted my latest revised theatrical lighting rig tutorial for Vue ~ Two Spots 45 Degrees From the Side

Fifth Vue Theatrical Lighting Rig Revised
Tuesday, August 31st, 2010My latest revised theatrical lighting rig tutorial for Vue.

Fourth Theatrical Lighting Rig Revised
Tuesday, August 24th, 2010Just finished rendering fresh images for a revised version of my fourth theatrical lighting rig tutorial.

Second Lighting Rig Updated
Tuesday, August 10th, 2010I’ve updated the second of my old theatrical lighting rig tutorials tonight: Vue Lighting Rig: Single Spot Slightly to One Side with fresh renders and some small revisions to the text.