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Too Many Ideas - Posts Tagged ‘Wargaming’

Panzerfaüste Khâllazdurin Motorbike and Sidecar

Panzerfaüste Squads

Tuesday, November 3rd, 2015

I dug out some old files over the weekend of statistics for squads for Panzerfaüste I wrote after buying my copy of Panzerfaüste 1st edition at a Bifrost quite a few years ago now. I’ve tweaked them a bit where there are miniatures in the Hysterical Games Panzerfaüste kickstarter to match the figures and their […]

Fall of the Goblin Empire

Thursday, April 29th, 2010

Fall of the Goblin Empire (FoGE) is my entry for the SFSFW’s fantasy wargaming competition.  A game of goblins and their varigated, varied and highly unreliable flying machines. Here are a couple of the opening paragraphs that set the scene for a game of goblins going up-tiddle-ee-up coming down-tiddle-ee-down-down… Ask anyone and they will tell […]

Ragnarok 55

Wednesday, August 26th, 2009

The latest issues of Ragnarok (The Magazine of the Society of Fantasy and Science Fiction Wargaming) arrived by post today. An interesting mix of articles including Daleks, Zombies, SF Armoured warfare, Fantasy Naval and Luna Exploration alongside the regular rules and miniature reviews. My article, The Panzerfauste Song Book, takes up more pages than I […]

Ragnarok 53

Tuesday, February 24th, 2009

Issue 53 of Ragnarok, the Society of Fantasy and Science Fiction Wargamings magazine, is out now and includes an article by me – When Ants Attack – for use with the game Tusk. This issue, and the last three back issues are also now available from Wargames Vault as PDFs.

Ragnarok 52

Friday, April 20th, 2007

Issue 52 of Ragnarok the SFSFW‘s journal of fantasy and science fiction wargaming landed care of the Post Office today. My first Rag cover. It wasn’t a picture I’d done expecting it to be used on the cover but John liked it and wouldn’t let me fiddle with it. I’ve got a couple more illustrations […]

Thursday Thirteen #1

Thursday, March 15th, 2007

Thirteen Things random things about Mark Caldwell 1… I remember far too many useless facts for my own good but can’t remember a thing if I’m on a quiz team. 2… Being in high up places doesn’t bother me. My fear is unsteady high places I may fall off. 3… I’ve just joined the moderating […]

Pepakura Designer

Saturday, September 9th, 2006

Came across a little shareware application that will take simple 3d models and produce a design for a paper mesh of the model. It can read a lot of fairly standard formats like wavefront object (.obj), lightwave (.lwo) and 3d studio (.3ds). It can also read some texture maps too. I’ve not got anything to […]

Ragnarok – The Big Five O

Thursday, August 24th, 2006

Ragnarok Issue 50 landed through my door today with articles on wargaming Ragnarok, combat engineering for Dirtside 2, a scenario for Space Vixens From Mars, the Ottoman air fleet in Aeronef and the usual regular review columns. Steve F’s last issue as editor (thanks for the hard work over the last 10 issues Steve) before […]

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