1… I remember far too many useless facts for my own good but can’t remember a thing if I’m on a quiz team.
2… Being in high up places doesn’t bother me. My fear is unsteady high places I may fall off.
3… I’ve just joined the moderating team at Cornucopia3D and will mostly be looking after the python forum.
4… This year I’ve been a professional internet developer for 10 years which is a bit scary.
5… My website is called impworks because of a convoluted story that boils down to my mum calling me an imp because I was born in Lincoln, which has a famous carving of an imp in the cathedral.
6… I’m can’t wait for the DVD of Hot Fuzz comes out. I know I missed some film references. Go and see it. Ignore any bad reviews. They are just wrong.
7… The last fiction book I read was Buying Mackenzies Baby. Not my usual cup of tea but I enjoyed it.
8… I live in a street that is named after a general in an area that sounds like the name of a famous battle and I used to organise a table top wargaming show.
9… I’m working my way through all three seasons of Between the Lines on DVD. So far I’m pleased to say it doesn’t look dated.
10… My broadband was broken for two weeks. I don’t know how I lived only a dial up connection.
11… Needles don’t bother me. That doesn’t mean I have any intention of having any stuck in me for any uneccessary reasons though.
12… I’m looking at how this list is coded and I can’t help myself thinking why not use a list element. I really have been coding html for too long.
13… I can’t remember what the word for not remembering the names of things is.
Links to other Thursday Thirteens!
- christine
- Ryan Velting
- Raven Vampire Nightclub
- Michelle M Pillow
- Shannon
- Jenny
- Kim Rees
- amy
- robinsonk
- SheSchenker
- Loretta
- Danger
- Sybil
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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