Too Many Ideas - Posts Tagged ‘WordPress’
Removing a Category from WordPress 3.1 RSS Feed
Sunday, February 27th, 2011I filter a category out of my WordPress RSS feed because it’s all my tweets from the week. I want an archive (mostly for myself) but I don’t want to blast anyone following my RSS feed with them every week. I’d been using code like this in functions.php in my theme to screen them… [codesyntax […]
Comments Spammer 404s Revisited
Tuesday, January 4th, 2011I’ve been meaning to revisit my WordPress 404 Errors for Spam Comments but somehow it kept slipping through the cracks. I was at a bit of a loose end so I did a quick run through my spam comment log and my site’s error logs… There were 424 spam comments to my site in December […]
One Page Can Make a Difference
Monday, August 16th, 2010The original Knight Rider used to end with the refrain of Wilton Knight’s last words to Michael… One man can make a difference Tonight I thought I’d share how one page (and a tiny bit of PHP code for WordPress) made a difference to my site. At least its made a difference for Google. I’ll […]
WordPress 404 Errors for Spam Comments
Wednesday, May 5th, 2010Ever since I rebuilt my website with WordPress and imported my blog from blogspot I’ve kept an eye on my server error logs. I like to make sure people who arrive here from the old blog or from other links end up where they were looking to go. While I’ve redirects that catch almost all […]
Blogging Differently
Wednesday, September 16th, 2009I noticed awhile ago that I was blogging less. Partly I put it down to frustration with the time it took me to add a page to my web site. If I couldn’t easily add a page about something I didn’t need to blog about the page. Partly it was a disatisfaction with the blog […]
Vue Stereo Image Camera Creation Script Page
Saturday, August 15th, 2009So glad I switched this site to WordPress – adding new pages is so much easier. Tonight I’ve added a new page for the simple Vue Stereo Image Camera Creation Script I wrote back in 2007.
Too Many (Uncategorised) Posts
Saturday, July 11th, 2009Slogging slowly but surely though all my old blog posts categorising them so I can add better category based navigation now the sites all wordpressified. Down from 250+ to less than 100 left to go. Yeh! Then I can start worrying about tagging the ones that haven’t got tags 😉
WordPress 2.8.1
Friday, July 10th, 2009Upgraded the site to use the latest release of WordPress (2.8.1) without any problems.
Mind the Gaps
Wednesday, July 1st, 2009I’m in the process of switching my web site to running on wordpress. A lot of the hard works done but there may still be a few bits I’ve not quite finished moving properly and there may still be the odd problem for a couple of days. So in the mean time Please Mind the […]
268 Links Sitting in a Database
Monday, June 22nd, 2009I rebuilt the Vue Links Directory from one database to another yesterday as part of finishing off a complete rebuild of the impworks site into WordPress. There were 268 links to migrate and while the basic move was handled easily I then had to work my way through and do some data cleaning to improve […]