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No Good Plan Survives Sunday

Sunday, May 20th, 2007
1 Comment

After the usual Saturday yesterday of shopping and housework I had planned to split my time between wxPython in Action and writing. Well I did open the book at about eight PM and after getting wx running again and working through a few other bits and pieces it got shut. I do think that with a book to help I’ll make more in roads into learning wx though.

On the flip side of that failure I did make another big dent in my Noir Fairy Story. The hero has tracked down the bad guys and is watching them. He’s got some unusual help with that which I had some fun writing. I also broke one of my rules of writing by going back to work on an earlier section. I wanted to include a card game between two of the characters. I couldn’t make up what game they should be playing. I’d considered poker and some others, even snap. I was watching an episode of Mission Impossible that came in the same Amazon order as the wx book. A game of Baccarat was at the stories heart. Very much as it would have been in a 1960s Bond. There is something about baccarat that just fits the kind of scene I wanted to write in a way that poker wouldn’t. It was also a lot easier to work out the mechanics of the game which I’m not going to object to. There’s enough dialogue, flirtation, structural engineering (and I mean that in a construction industry sense) and political science going on in the scene without the card game taking over.

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One Response to No Good Plan Survives Sunday

Baccarat Million Monday, May 21st, 2007

Baccarat is only exciting with the real big bets that gamblers are willing to risk on the table. It is a very quiet game - but it can also be spiced up with colorful characters like Asians in high roller lounges who are allowed to observe weird ceremonies while playing high stakes baccarat games. I've seen Chinese gamblers throwing salt around their seat, their cards, throwing rice on their card, praying and inciting the gods... theatrical - but really makes watching Baccarat very exciting.

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