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Too Many Ideas - Archive for December, 2007

Mysterious World (Wide Web)

Wednesday, December 12th, 2007

I posted this snowflake picture on my impworks web site ages ago. It normally gets a few visitors a week but nothing to blog about. A few weeks ago it started getting more and more visitors every day. Obviously it’s seasonal but that page doesn’t have great page rank in google or a high position […]

Vue Lighting Rig #11: The Godspot

Monday, December 10th, 2007

I’m taking another short break from my ongoing progression through the common basic rigs used for lighting an actor to look at a few effects rigs that can be used for seasonal pictures. Tonights rig, the Godspot, can be used to evoke the presence of God, that a deity is observing the scene, that, to […]

Blogs What I Read Recently

Saturday, December 8th, 2007

Having switched to Google Reader I find the list of blogs I follow expanding. Here are three which I’ve started on recently that I think are worth sharing… That very British and yet somehow subversive institution which is Stephen Fry John August – screen writer currently out on strike in the US Ken Levine – […]

NitSCreeping Past 80K

Friday, December 7th, 2007

It’s taken nearly two months but Night and the Sidhe finally crept past the 80K word mark thanks to two nights when the police helicopter woke me up this week. Each time I had a random fragment of the story in my head. Not the next bit which I’ve been stuck on which I really […]

Heroes: The Lost Consonant Game

Friday, December 7th, 2007

I was walking home from work today and was struck by something silly. I was playing a mental word game to keep my mind of the torrential rain. Thats important because towards the end of the walk I pass a row of take aways and so there is a real danger of replacing a healthy […]

Joomla Day

Wednesday, December 5th, 2007

Having previously looked at Mambo today I found myself looking at Joomla which is so similar it might almost be the same but somehow in the end tastes slightly different. I can think of only one word to describe the difference based on a very quick look at each – Joomla felt cleaner. Which has […]

Vue Lighting Rig #10: Three Spot Lights

Monday, December 3rd, 2007

Last weeks entry in my ongoing series of theatrically inspired Vue lighting rigs is one of the most commonly used rigs: Two Spotlights from the Front. Tonight’s rig is an improved version of that rig which adds a third light behind the actor to add a little back light. During the development of theatrical lighting […]

Dragging Words onto the Page

Monday, December 3rd, 2007

There are days that it feels like words flow on to the page but then there are days that no matter how much I want them to they just don’t. I’ve managed around three hundred on Night and the Sidhe, four hundred more to the yet to be named short story I’m working on and […]

NaBloPoMo 2007

Sunday, December 2nd, 2007

After a brief rest from all that blogging here is my last NaBloPoMo post this year.

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