Yeh! another thousand words of Night in the Sidhe bit the dust yesterday as I found a way from the bit of dialogue to the climactic fight sequence. I then immediately found I didn’t have a good idea for the fight but didn’t let that stop me so I just pushed on past it and I’ll fix it in editing.
I also had had an idea for some stuff that I wanted to happen early on in the story so I went back and added two paragraphs in one section and one to another. Now most books on writing I’ve read say not to do that till you’ve finished the first draft. I’ve come to the conclusion that writing a novel is a messier process than writing books suggest so this was a metaphorical gesture of a rude nature to them. It also saved my file of notes on things I need to do during editing from getting any bigger. I was starting to get a bit nervous that it would end up as long as the story…
Tonight I didn’t feel the urge to write but I did start to draw a couple of maps of the setting I want for continuity checking the story during editing. Just because it’s a fantasy city doesn’t mean I don’t want it to have a certain believable quality.
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