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BT a bit brighter than Orange

Monday, June 16th, 2008

So we reach that time of year again when my Internet connection plays up and I get to complain…

Except I don’t. Last night my connection vanished suddenly. This morning I checked the status from work and there was a message that a fault had been fixed however just coming online it wasn’t working. So I call the status line and there is no mention of a fault in my area. So I call the support line and after only two simple questions and no music or call holding I’m through to a human who takes me through a few simple steps. I’m not quite sure what unplugging and reconnecting my network cable is supposed to do but I’ll play along. At no point was I asked to sing the Indian national anthem while holding a fish above my head. A bit of waiting later and my connection came back up.

Now if Orange had been anywhere near that good at resolving a connection problem I’d not be with BT.

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