I missed La Princesse missed it yesterday when out shopping. Much that I like art I decided the crowds heading towards it were huge and with a heavy shopping bag to carry I’d give it a miss. Today on my way in to town I was pleased to discover it back on Concours Tower by Lime Street Station so I got to see it after all. It seemed to have pulled a fair sized crowd at just after 3PM so what the crowds will be like for tonight I’d hate to guess.
Since I wasn’t expecting to see it today I didn’t have my camera with me – but if you want to see some pictures Dark Dwarf has a couple of posts about it on his blog:
- Giant Spider Sighted in Liverpool
- Giant Spider Sighted in Liverpool 2
- Giant Spider Sighted in Liverpool 3
Its inspired me with an idea for a Trash Tokyo article too so thats £1.7 million well spent 😉
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