Too Many Ideas - Archive for March, 2009

Marketing not Quite Joined Up
Sunday, March 29th, 2009Littlewoods recently sent me an e-mail thanking me for my business in the last year and hoping I’ll continue to spend as much with them this year as I did last year. I may well take their advice – I spent nothing last year and its quite likely I’ll do the same this year…

Moondash Showreel
Tuesday, March 24th, 2009Daniel Munteanu’s show reel at the Moondash project is well worth a look.

Today Programme Viral Advert
Friday, March 20th, 2009I’m a bit late with this but it did amuse me. The Evan Davis’ blog on the BBC web site explains it. I found some of the comments amusing just because they say more about the commenters than the piece itself. A few obviously don’t get there is a difference between an advert being viral […]

The Dangers of Turning the Page too Fast
Thursday, March 19th, 2009Flipping through g2 in the Guardian quickly at lunch today I half caught the text on the picture above. Except not quite. I miss read it as "Est Aux Folies Bergerac". That was an image of John Nettles I didn’t need…

The Customer is Always Wrong…
Thursday, March 19th, 2009at least if their a tennant. The picture is of a leaflet sent out by Arena Housing and they have now apologised (see the BBC for more details). Last year another Liverpool landlord put notices on the house of tennants who they say hadn’t paid their rent. A growing number of tennants are being evicted […]

Lego's Business Cards
Thursday, March 12th, 2009This is so much cooler than a standard bit of card… Lego’s Business Cards.

Two Ragnarok Articles almost Ready to Go
Tuesday, March 10th, 2009I’ve finished an article for Ragnarok, The Panzerfaüste Song Book, porting the shanty rules from Strange Grogge to Panzerfaüste and bringing the songs up to date. Needs a bit of checking before I send it off but hopefully its ok. I’ve also just finished a short article for Ragnarok for the game Slag!. Three new […]