Too Many Ideas - Archive for April, 2009

The Panzerfauste Song Book

Thursday, April 30th, 2009

Just sent off the finished draft of the The Panzerfauste Song Book to Ragnarok.

A Short Back and Sides

Tuesday, April 28th, 2009

A Short Back and Sides was a scenario I wrote for Kenzar & Company’s Fairy Meat which appeared in the SFSFW’s journal Ragnarok back in issue 33. Funnily I’ve had three different people request copies of it in the last month. Its been around for years and I don’t remember anyone asking for it before. […]

Finally an Espresso in a Book Shop I Want

Tuesday, April 28th, 2009

I’m not a coffee lover but I am a book lover so I sometimes find the replacement of shelving with books on in book shops by trendy coffee area a bit annoying. Blackwell’s Charing Cross Road now has an espresso machine I have no objections to. Spotted on WWdN: In Exile

Chicken in Chardonnay and Peach Sauce

Sunday, April 26th, 2009

I’d not done this in a while but I cooked this for my dinner tonight. 60g Butter (Unsalted is best) 2tbsp Vegetable oil 4 Chicken Breasts 8 spring onions chopped 300ml White Wine (Chardonnay) 4 tbsp Clear Honey 2 tbsp Lemon Juice 4 Fresh, ripe Peaches stoned 250ml Double Cream 2 tbsp Cornflour mixed to […]

Be Very Very Quiet…

Friday, April 24th, 2009

I was walking home tonight from work and walked into a street I walk down most nights. Now its not winter there are usually people in the street when I walk down it. Tonight isn’t unusual there are kids playing in the street, someone is unloading their shoping from a car and two girl who […]

The Case for the Defense of British Grittiness

Thursday, April 16th, 2009

I’ve just seen another talking head piece where it was said that Britain doesn’t make gritty police shows. I like The Wire but there isn’t any need to get into self flagelation that all we ever make is Dixon of Dock Green and Heartbeat. If I swore on this blog I’d use a single word […]

Rhapsody in the Trafford Centre?

Monday, April 13th, 2009

Someone must have been short on ideas when they made the advert for the Trafford Centre I just saw. First some uninspired footage of clothes. Second an innane voice over. Third a script about a formula. Forth add a bit of mathmatical notation to The Trafford Centre’s name at the end. Finally top it all […]

Consort Review

Wednesday, April 8th, 2009

Having finished The Translated Man I felt like reading some more fiction so I’ve just finished reading Kim’s latest novella Consort. Skipping quickly past the rather cliched cover. Not that its badly done but it reminds me of racks of second hand romance books in charity shops. At least with an e-book its not there […]

The Translated Man

Sunday, April 5th, 2009

Finished reading The Translated Man by Chris Braak yesterday. Since I’m being regularly e-mailed by a web site who’ve taken to including my posts tagged reviews are included in their review listings where the reviews are in turn reviewed I’m going to do a bit of a Corbett first. While I may tag this as […]

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