Too Many Ideas - Archive for February, 2012

What is a Sayers Sausage Roll?

Saturday, February 25th, 2012

What is a Sayers Sausage Roll?  I suppose that could be a philosophical question but I’m thinking of things a little more concrete.  A Sayers sausage roll is different things to different people… First Encounters of a Sausage Roll Kind I remember when I was a student describing them as napalm wrapped in crispy cardboard.  […]

The Woman in Black Review with Notes for Roleplayers

Thursday, February 23rd, 2012

The Woman in Black is a solid attempt to make a classic ghost story from the revived Hammer .  The film making combines the best of the old school Hammer with 21st century production values.  It takes a classic approach to horror eschewing the slasher / blood and gore school of horror. The cinema I […]

Building Maps for Role Playing with Vue

Monday, February 13th, 2012

I quite often make maps and other diagrams for games I’m running using Vue and other computer graphic software.  Over the weekend I was messing around with GeoControl2 and it randomly produced a landscape I quite liked the look of but I don’t have a game it fits with at the moment.   So I thought […]

The Grey Movie Review with bonus Role Playing Thoughts

Friday, February 10th, 2012

Its BAFTA weekend and I’m not expecting The Grey to be getting any nominations other than for film shot in the coldest location (and Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy may beat it in that category too).  As is pretty obvious from the poster above it’s another Liam Neeson vehicle trying to find the ingredient that he […]

Underworld: Awakening Movie Review

Thursday, February 2nd, 2012

If you know the original Underworld you’ve a pretty good idea what you’re getting here: Vampires, Werewolves, action, a palette of blacks & blue, a certain amount of gore, a British character actor of a certain age, a gut shaking thump to the soundtrack and, of course, Kate Beckinsale in that outfit. Yet for each […]

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