It’s Alive!

Sunday, May 31st, 2015

Well really It’s Refurbished! but I prefer a Universal Horror quote to a Homes Under the Hammer quote.  Anyway today after months of toiling at the webface I’ve finished rebuilding this site with a hand made theme based on the fantastic Foundation 5.  I have had “fun” with SASS and Git.  I’ve extracted 3 years of images from the mid 2000s that somehow became lost in a mountainous wilderness where they weren’t properly referenced in the WordPress database.

My big design aim was to make the site clean and minimalist.  I want the content to be the main focus. That’s why there are no sidebars or other distractions.  The navigation has been moved to slide in from the side and the footer.

The second big aim was to make it work across smart phones, tablets, desktops and the giant projection screen in the main hall of the castle.  I’ve tested it on the first three and will do the fourth one just as soon as Igor finds some carbon rods for the projector.

The third main aim was to tidy up the downloads – they were coming from a couple of legacy systems but now I’ve a shiny new custom post type all of my own creation to hold them.

There are probably a few stitch marks I need to tidy up but hopefully nothing too serious.

So now I just have to add some new stuff.  Fortunately, as always, I’ve Too Many Ideas.  Now where to begin?

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