Too Many Ideas - Archive for the ‘Places’ Category

Thursday Thirteen #24
Thursday, August 30th, 2007Thirteen Things Mark likes about Liverpool on the cities 800th Birthday Architecture – The waterfront, the cathedrals and William Brown Street are often mentioned but there are many more distinctive buildings throughout the city Music – From the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra to a band you may have heard of called the Beatles Sport – […]

Wordless Wednesday #21
Wednesday, August 29th, 2007I’m celebrating Liverpool’s 800th birthday from the air with my favourite photograph I took on my recent flight over the city in a Dakota. 1. jams o donnell2. SandyCarlson3. Mama Pajama4. And Miles To Go…5. mar6. Diana7. Isabelle aka Tricotine8. Comedy Plus9. Breather 10. Starrlight11. Alison12. Friday’s Child13. shrijnana14. maiylah15. CableGirl16. oldqueen4417. MissMeliss18. lori 19. […]

Wordless Wednesday #20
Wednesday, August 22nd, 2007The figurehead of the Bounty II 1. jams o donnell2. And Miles To Go…3. Suprina4. toni5. Brillig6. SandyCarlson7. Raquel8. CableGirl 9. letha10. Jottings From Jersey11. Starrlight12. Friday’s Child13. Lori14. Tammy Gale/My World15. Chris in Oxford16. Just me a Mom~Jenn 17. L.L. Barkat18. Innocent Joy19. Laura @ Laura Williams’ Musings (UFO House)20. TorAa21. mousey

Bounty II Visits Liverpool
Saturday, August 18th, 2007I had a less leisurely start to Saturday as I did a mad dash for my food shopping so I could get down to the Albert Dock in Liverpool to see the Bounty II, an oversized replica of the original HMAV Bounty which was making a one day stop to raise funds for the restoration […]

Out of this World: the art of Josh Kirby @ The Walker Art Gallery
Saturday, July 21st, 2007Went to see the exhibition of Josh Kirby’s work at the Walker Art Gallery in Liverpool today. I knew of his covers for Terry Pratchett’s Discworld novels and some of his other cover art. There is a lot more to see here than just those. There are some of his film posters including excellent pieces […]

Wordless Wednesday #14
Wednesday, July 11th, 2007Jottings From Jersey2. toni3. And Miles To Go…4. jams o donnell5. Sue6. mousey7. JennieBoo8. Jarid and Caydon’s blog9. SandyCarlson10. incog & nito11. jenn in holland12. Starrlight13. Patois14. The Birds & The Beads15. Alison16. Comedy Plus17. Bounce 18. letha19. Friday’s Child20. elementaryhistoryteacher21. Mayogi22. Angel Mama ( Pearls of Wisdom)23. Katya24. So Lost25. Ginny26. amy27. Dragonheart28. Misslionheart29. […]

Flying Over Liverpool in a Dakota
Saturday, June 23rd, 2007For as long as I can remember I’ve had a picture of a plane flying over clouds and mountains. It had that grey, crome look that lots of 1950 art had. It was the front of a card, probably a birthday card but I don’t remember it ever having the back. I do remember the […]

MEET: A good place to Eat
Thursday, December 21st, 2006Went out to MEET, a new Brazilian restaurant on Bold Street in Liverpool, last night with a few friends. Not a lot of people there but that was probably because it’s new. The portions were reasonable and really tasty. The selection of deserts was interesting because it wasn’t just the usual selection a lot of […]

Teppanyaki Superman
Thursday, July 27th, 2006I’ve tried Sushi Restaurants and Noodle restaurants in the past. I’d never had Teppanyaki before. Went to the Teppanyaki Sapporo on Duke Street (Liverpool) after Superman last night. A bit pricey but the show put on by the chefs as they cooked our food in front of us was really good. If you want to […]