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Too Many Ideas - Posts Tagged ‘CG’

The Dangers of Turning the Page too Fast

Thursday, March 19th, 2009

Flipping through g2 in the Guardian quickly at lunch today I half caught the text on the picture above. Except not quite. I miss read it as "Est Aux Folies Bergerac". That was an image of John Nettles I didn’t need…

The Customer is Always Wrong…

Thursday, March 19th, 2009

at least if their a tennant. The picture is of a leaflet sent out by Arena Housing and they have now apologised (see the BBC for more details). Last year another Liverpool landlord put notices on the house of tennants who they say hadn’t paid their rent. A growing number of tennants are being evicted […]

The International

Saturday, February 28th, 2009

Just back from seeing The International, a twisty euro thriller that jumps between Europe and New York weaving the tail of a bank which is tangled up in some very shady deals. Clive Owen gives a strong performance and is ably supported by an excellent cast. The pacing is deliberately uneven which avoids the danger […]

Transporter 3

Friday, December 12th, 2008

Went to see Transporter 3 at the Liverpool One Odeon last night. It delivers exactly what it says on the packet – a straight forward action film. Of the three films I’d say its plot it probably the most coherent (well as coherent as any of them). I’d like to have seen more of François […]

Quantum of Solace

Sunday, November 2nd, 2008

Just back from watching the new Bond film Quantum of Solace at the new Odeon in Liverpool 1. I’ll talk about the cinema tomorrow for tonight I’ll foist my opinion of the film on the rest of the world. The pre credit sequence opens up fast and hard in media res and is very effective […]

Making a Searchlight in Vue

Wednesday, September 24th, 2008

Vue doesn’t have a parallel light source that creates a fixed width beam so making search lights and other lights with parallel edges requires a little work. Here is one way I’ve used, it may not work for all situations but it works for some. All the values I give here are those I used […]

Doctor Who: The Stolen Earth

Saturday, June 28th, 2008

And just in case the banner isn’t big enought – tonights post may include spoilers about Doctor Who: The Stolen Earth if you have yet to see it. On a basic level I enjoyed it. It had good elements: lots of returning characters, a dramatic plot, several dramatic cliffhangers, a couple or three interesting guest […]

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

Wednesday, June 25th, 2008

Finally got to see Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. I’m not going to over analyse the plot because its the same basic follow the MacGuffin of the previous three films. Its fun, its action packed and I got to play the game of trying to spot where they used Vue and […]

Doctor Who: Partners in Crime

Saturday, April 5th, 2008

Good to see Dr Who back with a story that didn’t completely lose the plot at the end and where the pacing worked right through the story. The CG was pretty good although some of the green screen work could still do with a bit more effort or maybe relying on it a little less […]

Thursday Thirteen #33

Thursday, November 1st, 2007

The impworks 2008 Halloween Calendar by Mark Caldwell featuring fresh new models never before seen elsewhere. Miss January 2008: Skenan Ann Bones ~ She wants to be a famous model at all the best shows. Miss February: Finnea Bone ~ She’s got a great sense of humour Miss March: Di Bones ~ She Welsh and […]

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