Miss January 2008: Skenan Ann Bones ~ She wants to be a famous model at all the best shows.
Miss February: Finnea Bone ~ She’s got a great sense of humour
Miss March: Di Bones ~ She Welsh and she mixes a great martini
Miss April: Bona Fide ~ An Italian lady who cannot tell a lie so please don’t ask her age
Miss May: Bon Voyage ~ Wants to see the world
Miss June: Boneshaker ~ She loves to dance
Miss July: Boneanza ~ She just adores Lorne Greene
Miss August: “Hip” Bone ~ She’s just one cool chick
Miss September: Bonhomie – A little ostentatious but benevolent too
Miss October: Bon Marche ~ She’s French and she likes discount shopping
Miss November: Bonehead ~ Not the brightest skeleton in the pack
Miss December: Talulah Bonny ~ A good looking lass with great ankles
Bonus Girl: Shelly “Bob” ~ Favourite TV Show: Blackadder
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