Too Many Ideas - Posts Tagged ‘Kim Knox’

Dark Host Out Now
Tuesday, July 28th, 2009It only seems like yesterday that Kim had a new story out but it was all of a couple of weeks ago (just enough time to read an Ian Rankin novel and a couple of history books). Her latest novella, Dark Host, was a Brava finalist and I’ve read a bit of it before so […]

Kim's Got Her Own Unofficial Fan Club
Tuesday, July 14th, 2009Kim’s now got her very own unofficial Kim Knox fan club. Won’t be too long before she has a has a twitter hash tag all of her own too #kimknox 😉

In Space No One Can Hear You Scream…
Thursday, July 9th, 2009…or pant, moan, or make any other vocalisations that might wake the neighbours for three hundred yards.
Kim’s got another story out, Demonic Attraction, and while it’s science fiction and includes aliens from what I’ve read so far its not a remake of Alien but its not for the faint of heart when it comes to naughtiness.

Too Many Things
Tuesday, May 26th, 2009I think I need a few extra hours in the day – if I did each of the following would probably be its own post… Having finished a fascinating book on illegal gambling in the UK in the ’50s I started reading the first volume of Michael Palins’ diaries on Saturday and there a great […]

Consort Review
Wednesday, April 8th, 2009Having finished The Translated Man I felt like reading some more fiction so I’ve just finished reading Kim’s latest novella Consort. Skipping quickly past the rather cliched cover. Not that its badly done but it reminds me of racks of second hand romance books in charity shops. At least with an e-book its not there […]

The Translated Man
Sunday, April 5th, 2009Finished reading The Translated Man by Chris Braak yesterday. Since I’m being regularly e-mailed by a web site who’ve taken to including my posts tagged reviews are included in their review listings where the reviews are in turn reviewed I’m going to do a bit of a Corbett first. While I may tag this as […]

Doctor Who: Silence in the Library
Sunday, June 1st, 2008After a couple of e-mails about some of my recent posts I’m going to flag any posts with potential spoilers in with the graphic above. To clarify what I’m going to treat as a spoiler – basicly I’ll use it whenever I mention anything that might spoil watching something for someone who hasn’t already seen […]

Omid Djalili – Live
Wednesday, April 16th, 2008Went to see Omid Djalili at the Liverpool Philarmonic tonight with Kim of the Split Writing Personalities and DarkDwarf. I liked the TV show but it didn’t seem as funny as some of the appearances I’d seen on post water shed TV. The live gig was funnier than the TV show. The Boothby Graffoe, the […]

7% and Rising – the wait is over
Wednesday, November 28th, 2007The first thing I remember reading of Kim’s was the start of 7% and Rising. She’s finally finished it and it’s out now. I’ve not had a chance to read the whole book yet but I’m looking forward to it. If you can learn more about 7% and Rising at Kim’s Blog or buy it […]

Sunday, October 21st, 2007Went to see Stardust last night with Kim and Darkdwarf a fantasy film with a definite sense of fun. It’s a meandering road trip round with a good mix of action, intrigue and romance but its real strength is its sense of humour. For once a film with a large contingent of British comedy talent […]