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Too Many Ideas - Posts Tagged ‘pictures’

Nearly Wordless Wednesday 25: The Return

Wednesday, April 2nd, 2014

After a short break Nearly Wordless Wednesday Returns… This shot was pretty much a happy accident – other than cropping it and changing to black and white. I’d left camera in a special mode I rarely use last year so after a 4 second delay it auto shot a dozen pictures. This is the only […]

Liverpool Downpour Gallery

Tuesday, August 21st, 2012

A sudden dowpour caught me in the Mann Island exhibition space next to the Open Eye gallery at lunch time today. Here are a few of the better pictures I took of the rain and the aftermath on my phone’s camera.

Serpentine Pavilion 2012

Sunday, July 15th, 2012

I’ve posted a new page of pictures of the Serpentine Gallery 2012 from my recent trip to London.

The Open Eye Gallery: Painted Photographs

Tuesday, January 17th, 2012

I went to see the Painted Photographs exhibition at the Open Eye Gallery in Liverpool today of photographs that have been retouched for use on TV and in the Press. Due to my own stupidity and incompetence I never made it to the Open Eye Gallery before its new venue so I can’t compare it […]

Photo Galleries

Wednesday, January 12th, 2011

Last night I added a page for some Vue stuff from my blog to make it easier to find. Tonight I’ve pulled some of my photographs together into galleries in my pictures section so they’re not lost in a sea of over a thousand posts.

Derelict Building Detail, Duke Street, Liverpool

Thursday, November 4th, 2010

This Wordless Wednesday’s a day late because of the Burke and Hare post. Most of the pictures I post on my blog of Liverpool are of interesting buildings that are reasonably well looked after.  Having lived here for nearly twenty years I’ve seen a lot of miss-representation of the city in the national media.  I’ve […]

Liverpool's Pyramid – William Mackenzie Tomb

Wednesday, September 8th, 2010

The 19th Century Church of Saint Andrew on Rodney Street is known locally as the Scotch church. It was a Presbyterian church built to serve the Scottish community of Liverpool. The church was closed in 1975 and is in an extremely poor state. In the small graveyard is a rather unusual grave in the form […]

Go Penguin Hunting

Tuesday, December 22nd, 2009

While doing a few bits odd an ends of Christmas shopping in Liverpool I did a bit of Go Penguin hunting. They’re sneaky and elusive creatures that like hiding in crowds of children. Here are the ones I managed to get shots of.

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