Too Many Ideas - Archive for April, 2007

Face Shop Pro – First Impressions

Monday, April 30th, 2007

I picked up Face Shop Pro from the Daz web site earlier. So far my impressions of it are so so. When I tried it on the M3 head model they include with it the resulting mesh looks pretty good but Poser didn’t like it as a morph target which makes it pretty useless. So […]

Sitemap Now Up

Sunday, April 29th, 2007

Last night I mentioned I almost had the sitemap for my site up and running. I’ve done the polishing to it I wanted to do and it’s now on my site: impworks sitemap. A fact which is of no consequence to anyone but me really 🙂

More Google Sitemaping

Saturday, April 28th, 2007

A few little modifications on my impworks site today. Added the new Sitemap line to my robots.txt file not a huge change but hopefully worthwhile. If you’ve got a site and are using an XML sitemap this simple modification to your site’s robot.txt file of a line like: Sitemap: <Site Address> (so for my impworks […]

Creating the Inventor's Work Bench

Friday, April 27th, 2007

The picture I used for my Wordless Wednesday this week was made for the latest issue of Ragnarok. Various 3d models were assembled in Vue 6 Infinite but this one could have been made in any version of Vue. I’ll start with the easy bits. The bench itself is a cube with the old wood […]

Thursday Thirteen #7

Thursday, April 26th, 2007

Thirteen Things I have about my person… Keys: I used to have a huge bunch of keys and pocket tools when I worked as a projectionist/tech crew at University. Now I’ve got a few house keys and a lot fewer holes in my pockets. Wallet: Need somewhere to keep #3, #9. #10 and #12. Plus […]

Wordless Wednesday #2

Wednesday, April 25th, 2007

1. The Twinkies2. Amber’s Crazy Bloggin’ Canuck3. Kim Rees4. jams o donnell5. Simone’s Butterfly6. Donna7. incog & nito8. Autofocused9. Hootin’ Anni10. Alison11. letha 12. Shaz@UsDanes13. Bridget14. Jarid and Caydon’s blog15. Sue16. Comedy Plus17. FelineFrisky – Diane18. Linda19. Beckie20. Patois21. syh22. JHS 23. Kuanyin24. Ingrid25. Selena Kitt26. kaliblue27. amy28. Danielle29. Denise Patrick30. Holly Schwendiman – online Sky Map

Tuesday, April 24th, 2007

A friend sent me a nice web app url earlier. Quite a cute little application – sort of Google Maps for the night sky – Well worth a look.

EcoSystem to Object for Vue 6: Now with Go Faster Stripes

Tuesday, April 24th, 2007

I’ve just made a few little code changes to my EcoSystem to Object script that should speed it up. I’ve not updated the page yet (I’ll do that tomorrow) but I’ve uploaded the new version of the zip file. This version will only work with Vue 6 so I’ve left the old version of the […]

Ragnarok 52 Cover Illustration

Sunday, April 22nd, 2007

Here, by popular demand, is a bigger version of the picture that is on the cover of Rag issue 52. I’m a bit embarrassed by it because it was a test that was thrown together in about 20 minutes using Poser 7 and Vue 6 Infinite (although this one could have been made is Vue […]

Ragnarok 52

Friday, April 20th, 2007

Issue 52 of Ragnarok the SFSFW‘s journal of fantasy and science fiction wargaming landed care of the Post Office today. My first Rag cover. It wasn’t a picture I’d done expecting it to be used on the cover but John liked it and wouldn’t let me fiddle with it. I’ve got a couple more illustrations […]

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