- Keys: I used to have a huge bunch of keys and pocket tools when I worked as a projectionist/tech crew at University. Now I’ve got a few house keys and a lot fewer holes in my pockets.
- Wallet: Need somewhere to keep #3, #9. #10 and #12. Plus other assorted detritus.
- Cash and change: I’m no “Rusty” Regan I like to keep this to what I need to have on me and not too much more
- Watch: I need this so I can make sure I’m early. Even though #6 and #7 have clocks built in I still like having the convenience of a wrist watch.
- Maglite: I’ve carried this with me since I was a projectionist. Surprising how often having a torch is useful.
- Mobile Phone: I’m not a big mobile phone user. My first phone was a brick – when it suffered multiple systems failure last year I opted for a slinky modern slim line number in silver.
- Dell Axim X50: I spent a long time avoiding having a handheld but eventually I succumbed. It doesn’t run my life although it does remind me to do those jobs I’d rather forget to do.
- Think Outside Slimline Keyboard: This lets me write when I’m away from home without having the hassle of typing up notes afterwards.
- Stamps
- Cards: Membership cards, store loyalty scheme, library card and bank cards. #2 needs to have lots of space for these.
- Used Rail Ticket: No matter how hard I try I always seem to find one of these in my wallet. Usually from or to Liverpool. Still they make good emergency bookmarks.
- Pen and Organiser: Before I got # 7 I relied on my Muji aluminium organiser to keep track of phone numbers and other mundane stuff. Now it’s got a few essentials and lots of blank paper for those times I can’t set up #7 and #8 or when the battery goes flat.
- Comb: I’m no style guru (really I’m not) but I do have one grooming item with me pretty much all the time.
Links to other Thursday Thirteens!
1. Tink 2. Kim Rees 3. Rashenbo 4. jadesymb 5. Thomma Lyn 6. This Eclectic Life 7. rhian 8. DKRaymer 9. Susan Helene Gottfried 10. Rebecca 11. Wylie Kinson 12. Jamie 13. Janet 14. Di 15. Lori |
16. SYH 17. pussreboots 18. JHS 19. Christine 20. Nancy Bond 21. qtpies7 22. Robin 23. Stone Girl 24. Jon Tillman 25. Tilly Greene 26. Lori 27. Nancy 28. Dane Bramage 29. Frigga 30. Danielle |
31. MsBatman 32. Kuanyin 33. Sword Girl 34. michael 35. YellowRose 36. Christine 37. Titania 38. Ctina 39. Carol 40. MissMeliss 41. Jessica The Rock Chick 42. Cecile 43. theFrog |
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