- Finish short story for ASTONISHING ADVENTURES MAGAZINE – Success
- Work on my novel – Failed misserably
- Tidy my flat: Mostly except one room which is a tip
- Reading – lots of it: Not quite lots but some
- Catching up on some DVD watching: Caught up
- Go to the cinema – Saw “Run Fat Boy Run”
- Work on my impworks web site: Failed but did some last night
- Finish writing my first facebook application – Failed Misserably to touch this
- Make some pictures with Vue: Success
- Taking some photographs for Wordless Wednesday: Took four pictures and I used the only one already
- Write at least one new python script for Vue: Failed
- Go to the Liverpool 800 exhibition: Failed
- Fail to do 50% of the above because of either sleeping in, getting a cold or bad weather: I’m blaming a cold that took out 8 days of my break
Links to other Thursday Thirteens!
1. Chelle Y. 2. ellen b 3. Yuriko 4. Tink 5. Nicholas 6. Malcolm 7. jenn 8. WFM 9. Lori 10. Janet |
11. Jackie 12. Wolfie 13. damozel 14. jennifer 15. PJ 16. Sparky Duck 17. Ann Aguirre 18. Cecily 19. Denise 20. Sarah |
21. Lara 22. qtpies7 23. The Good Stuff 24. katherine. 25. Samantha_K 26. mitchypoo 27. jeanjeanie |
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