My Thursday Thirteen this week happens to coincide with my 500th post to this blog so I thought I’d combine the two events. Here are 13 posts from the 500 posts by Mark Caldwell about having Too Many Ideas…
- My First Post which isn’t particularly exciting: Staring at a Blank Page.
- Favourite picture: A reed in the fog.
- After years of struggling to create a logo for impworks finally making one I like.
- Relaunching my impworks web site in June last year.
- My favourite article on writing I’ve written: Characters on the Couch.
- Post with the most comments: Thursday Thirteen #8
- My favourite film review since starting this blog Hot Fuzz
- Favourite random stuff post: The Bank of England
- Shameless promotion for a friend: Nimues Price
- Not so much a single post as a variety of mentions of my short story become novel work in progress: Night in the Sidhe.
- 12. Favourite TT: About Toasted Cheese Sandwiches because the feedback was so good.
- Most traffic post: Vue Python for Beginners – a tutorial on using Python in Vue Infinite.
- My first Python Script for Vue – I didn’t expect these to be such a big part of what goes on here but I’m not complaining that they are proving popular
In a fortnight I’m looking to do a TT of 13 other people’s favourite posts from their blogs. If you leave a link to yours in the comments this week I’ll add it to the selection I’ve got to pick from.
Links to other Thursday Thirteens!
1. Tink 2. pussreboots 3. Lady Rose 4. MommyBa 5. TopChamp 6. Susan Helene Gottfried 7. Joan 8. Nancy Bond 9. Titania 10. Sue |
11. nancy 12. Tilly Greene 13. Gabriella Hewitt 14. delicious darkness 15. Fence 16. Mamalee 17. Cindy Swanson 18. Jamie 19. eternal flux 20. bernie |
21. qtpies7 22. Norma 23. Ankur 24. Lori 25. Lulu 26. Slip of a Girl 27. Chris 28. rhian |
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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