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Too Many Ideas - Archive for the ‘Lighting’ Category

Searchlight in Vue

Tuesday, September 23rd, 2008

Jonj1611 asked on Renderosity how to create a searchlight like effect in Vue – if this is what he’s looking for I’ll post an explanation here soon. Edit: Its now up as: Making a Searchlight in Vue

Vue Lighting Rig #16: Three Point Lighting- Part 3

Monday, April 21st, 2008

Last week in part 2 of Vue Lighting Rig #16: Three Point Lighting – Part 2 I covered two variations on a three point lighting rigs. Tonight I’ll cover another of the variations. Again the key light is at 30 degrees to the horizontal and 45 degrees from the front of the subject to be […]

Vue Lighting Rig #16: Three Point Lighting- Part 2

Monday, April 14th, 2008

Back in part 1 of Vue Lighting Rig #16: Three Point Lighting I said I’d work through renders from some of these different rigs. Tonight I’ll cover two of the variations. Both of them place the key light at 30 degrees to the horizontal and 45 degrees to the subject to be lit. The fill […]

Vue Lighting Rig #16: Three Point Lighting

Monday, March 17th, 2008

I’ve covered a selection of theatrical lighting rigs already that use three lights. I was sent an e-mail asking if I’d show a definitive version of the classic three point lighting rig used for film, television, photography and computer graphics. I’m not going to claim to have any experience of using this rig, I have […]

Theatrical Vue Lighting Rigs Recap

Monday, March 3rd, 2008

I’d planned on starting on some more lighting rigs this week but with a heavy cold all last week I’ve just not got them ready yet. So for now here is a quick recap of theatrical rigs I’ve shown so far. Vue Lighting Rig #1: Single Spot Overhead Vue Lighting Rig #2: Single Spot Slightly […]

Vue Lighting Rig #15: Two Lights from the Side

Monday, February 18th, 2008

This weeks rig is a step back from the complex four light rigs I’ve been covering recently to a two light rig. This time the lights are placed on either side of the stage shining horizontal beams with the lights at head height or above so they shine down onto an actor. Lights placed like […]


Tuesday, February 12th, 2008

Saw Kodo at the Liverpool Philharmonic and I have to say I had a really good time. I’ve heard their music on CD but it just isn’t the same as feeling the vibration of the big drums run through you. It’s not just about big drums though there were subtler pieces played on shamisen, flute […]

Vue Lighting Rig #14: Another Four Light Rig

Monday, January 21st, 2008

This weeks follows on from last weeks four light rig. This week the lights are again at ninety degrees to each other. The lights have been rotated so we now have a light pointing straight in from the front, one from behind and one from each side. This rig gives us a lot of control […]

Vue Lighting Rig #13: A Four Light Rig

Monday, January 14th, 2008

With improved power supplies, lighting desks that can control more lights in larger theatres it has become possible to use more lights to light an actor. This allows a lighting designer to go from the standard 3 light rig to four light rigs. This weeks rig has four lights set at 90 degrees to each […]

Lighting Tutorials will resume Shortly

Monday, December 24th, 2007

My lighting tutorial series will resume on Mondays as usual in the new year.

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