Too Many Ideas - Posts Tagged ‘Mars’

Doctor Who: The Waters of Mars
Sunday, November 15th, 2009Before I get to any more lucid thoughts – was it just me or did the two water zombies marching around look a lot like Ray Liotta and Mark Kermode? So the long awaited second Doctor Who special The Waters of Mars was on tonight. It was good fun. From the trailer I’d expected a […]

Mars Render
Saturday, August 8th, 2009A render of the planet Mars made in Vue 7.5 Infinite.

Review – Wanted
Friday, July 4th, 2008Short spoiler free review: only go and see this if you can live with an action picture entirely lacking a heart or soul which justifies its existance by lashing itself to a far too cool barrel before throwing itself into a river above a waterfall. Which isn’t a good thing TM. So I went to […]

In Bruges
Saturday, May 3rd, 2008In the way that dark chocolate became a lot darker a few years ago In Bruges takes dark comedy gangster films and makes them a lot darker. Its an action thriller with little action. An 18 film that definitly deserves its certificate without being gratuitous. A film which isn’t what you’d expect but certainly doesn’t […]

Ashes to Ashes or Dempsey and Drakepeace?
Thursday, February 7th, 2008Really enjoyed the first episode of Ashes to Ashes on BBC 1 tonight. I’ll avoid saying much more because far too easy to drop a spoiler if I do. I did enjoy the switch from Life on Mars’ take on the Sweeney to something more akin to Dempsey and Makepeace or, maybe, The Professionals. Fingers […]

Thursday Thirteen #35
Thursday, November 15th, 2007Thirteen songs Mark Caldwell found when sorting out old tapes recorded from the radio in my youth Boy Meets Girl – Waiting for a Star to Fall Bob Marley – Iron Lion Zion Beverly Craven – Promise me Tasmin Archer – Sleeping Satellite Jennifer Warnes – First We Take Manhattan Level 42 – Running in […]

Thursday Thirteen #34
Thursday, November 8th, 2007My 11th Thursday Thirteen was a list of birds I see on my way to work. Tonight I’ve compiled a list of types of people I see when I’m out shopping. Adulescent – Dresses and acts like he’s 16 although he’s now in his 30s. Barbiedcutie – Would be attractive woman who has spent too […]

Thursday Thirteen #33
Thursday, November 1st, 2007The impworks 2008 Halloween Calendar by Mark Caldwell featuring fresh new models never before seen elsewhere. Miss January 2008: Skenan Ann Bones ~ She wants to be a famous model at all the best shows. Miss February: Finnea Bone ~ She’s got a great sense of humour Miss March: Di Bones ~ She Welsh and […]

Thursday Thirteen #29
Thursday, October 4th, 2007Thirteen Things about Mark Caldwell Yesterday my Wordless Wednesday picture was of this vase full of nuts and I promised I’d post an explanation. I was walking in Newsham Park in Liverpool a year ago. As I went under a Horse Chestnut tree a gust of wind brought a liberal shower of Horse Chestnuts down […]

Thursday Thirteen #28
Thursday, September 27th, 2007Thirteen Things Mark Caldwell hates about cold calls When they say it will only take a minute of your time it never is. I wouldn’t mind but they’ll never give me an address for me to send my bill. 99% are a waste of my time and the company paying for its time. I don’t […]