Too Many Ideas - Posts Tagged ‘material’

One for future social historians
Sunday, November 26th, 2006Sometimes it’s the little things in life that make me think why? Today I needed a new kitchen timer. I didn’t want anything fancy. I didn’t want to spend a lot of money. I went round several shops in my search while doing other shopping. What I discovered on this micro Odyssey is that there […]

Conspiracy X 2.0
Monday, October 16th, 2006I’ve not been keeping up with gaming releases of late and I missed Eden Studio’s release of Conspiracy X 2.0 but I’m making up for it now and picked up a copy yesterday. Gone is the system from first edition that I liked but which wasn’t the easiest for players to grasp without reading the […]

BBC Perpetuating the McDonalds Coffee Case Myths
Thursday, September 14th, 2006There are news sources I trust to do a good job and news sources that I don’t. Usually I’d put the BBC in the first camp. However today’s piece Starbucks sued for pulling offer got my hackles up. I don’t know anything about that case, it sounds silly but then that may be the media […]

Friday Night Vice
Friday, August 11th, 2006Went to see Miami Vice earlier. I thought the set piece action sequences were on a par with those in Heat or other Mann films. If you want to see some nice technothriller scenes with all the hardware and SOPs this film delivers everything you could ask for. However while the cold professionals without any […]

Unnamed Vue Picture
Thursday, August 10th, 2006I’d left Vue rendering this one today while I was at work. While it originally estimated 15 hours for the print size size image it turned out to need less than 5 in the end. I don’t normally use global radiosity but I did with this picture for a change. It made the roadside bushes […]

V5I: Lava Flow
Sunday, June 18th, 2006An updated version of this article is now available on my website at Creating a Bifurcated Lava Flow in Vue Infinite. I’m working on a picture of a volcanic eruption. The explosion part is coming on well, the smoke not so well. Today though I wanted to get something that might be a lava flow […]

V5I: Making the Roman Candle
Friday, June 2nd, 2006Animation: romancandle3.avi (449Kbyte DivX) The roman candle effect is a simple animation produced using Vue 5 Infinite and VueDynamics version 0.3.01 (a new version with a couple of minor improvements I’ll hopefully put out tomorrow once I’ve just done a few last checks that I’ve not added any new bugs). You can pretty much get […]

DIY Pop Shield Article
Thursday, March 23rd, 2006This will be appearing on my new web site with pictures I’m going to take at the weekend… If your getting popping sounds when recording vocals for use in Daz Mimic, your Pod Casting or whatever you record singing or speach for you need a pop shield (sometimes called a breath shield). This disperses the […]

How Not to Teach
Monday, March 20th, 2006Well tonight was the last night of a night class that I can only describe as a complete none event. Twenty weeks that allegedly focused on Creating Fictional Worlds. It said so in the title. The prospectus mentioned world building. It mentioned Fantasy and Science Fiction. What it didn’t mention was that that all the […]