- It was the last episode of Life on Mars this week. I think it made sense in the end. Sort of. And even though there isn’t going to be anymore it didn’t finish in a way that they couldn’t do any more of it if they changed their minds in a few years.
- And surprise, surprise they are now starting to promote the Life on Mars spin off set in 1981 coming sometime in the future. So much for my thinking they were brave enough to make a succesful series and to finish it while it was doing well rather than running it on till it wasn’t any more.
- My friend
Kim’s new book Past Lies is out in PDF. - CSI on Tuesday was Gil-less and so a little odd. Or maybe that should be a little less odd.
- The new character Keppler is an interesting addition and clearly he has some sort of secret to tease us with for awhile.
- With all the fuss about phone quizzes has no one asked the question are some of them just to easy. So easy they really are lotteries rather than quizzes. The one on 5 at the end of CSI should be described as “if you paid a tiny bit of attention” and not the way they seem to make it sound difficult. I suppose if it was actually difficult they might not make a profit from running the phone lines.
- There were only 298 Spartans at the Battle of Thermopylae. 2 of the 300 were sent home sick before it started. Back in Sparta they were treated as “tremblers”. One hung himself and the other fought at the battle of the next year at the battle of Battle of Plataea and the other, Aristodemus, regained his position in society.
- I’ve been doing a fair amount of work with Google Analytics in the past week. Today I’ve learnt the importance of using regular expression matches for goal paths when the goal path isn’t quite as fixed as it at first appeared.
- And just when I’m getting to grips with the finer detail of Analytics I noticed on the Analytics blog that they have launched another new toy Website Optimizer. One thing about working on the WWW is there is always something new to learn. Never a dull moment.
- Ok it can be dull. The 1300 page specs for how PDFs go together was a dull moment in the last week but there are moments when it isn’t dull.
- I saw a flock of green finches on my way to work on Tuesday. Far too small and fast to take a picture of with my phone though.
- Persian ruler Cambyses was married to both his sisters and supported them by giving them all the taxes from one of the cities he conquered. One story about them has it they spent a lot of money on shoes although re-reading the part of Persian Fire that I mentioned that I can’t find the reference so I may have dreamt that.
- I discovered that all Little Dragon, the hero, in my Fairy Tale Noir wants is a nice toasted cheese sandwich and he has been thinking about exactly how he wants it made far too much rather than solving the case he’s investigating.
Links to other Thursday Thirteens!
- Susan Helene Gottfried
- Ctina
- PJ
- Thomma Lyn
- Joan
- Christine
- Amanda Young
- Lulu
- she
- Michelle M Pillow
- samulli
- Sonja Foust
- My Twenty Cents Keeps Moving
- Presentstorm
- Raggedy
- Mama Duck
- Lori
- Mom of 3
- Janet
- delightfulduchess
- Crystal Jordan
- Wylie Kinson
- Wacky Mommy
- Gabriella Hewitt
- Raven Vampire Nightclub
- Tilly Greene
- MissMeliss
- Sword Girl
- Amelia Elias
- Nadine
- Kim Rees
- Jon Tillman
- Robin
- Fence
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